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What is the role of surveillance footage in criminal defense?

Posted by Josh Lee & Associates April 25, 2024

Surveillance footage has become a key piece of evidence in personal injury cases, changing the way both defense and prosecution approach their arguments. In today’s world, cameras are everywhere, from streets to shops to homes, increasing the chances that they capture incidents on video.

This visibility provides a powerful tool for defense attorneys to protect their clients from exaggerated or unfounded claims.

Defending with clarity

The main value of surveillance footage in defending against personal injury claims is its ability to show what really happened during an incident. Video evidence can confirm the exact situation of an event, offering clear details about everyone’s actions. This becomes especially important when the statements from witnesses or those involved do not match up.

For example, in cases where someone slips and falls, video can show the condition of the area at the time of the accident. It reveals whether safety measures were in place and if there were any dangers that should have been addressed. This helps show whether the property owner kept the area safe, which is a key question in cases about injuries on someone else’s property.

Challenging the plaintiff’s claims

Surveillance footage is also helpful for challenging what the plaintiff says happened. It can prove that the incident did not occur as the plaintiff described, or that the injuries claimed are not as severe as stated. If the video shows details that are different from the plaintiff’s story, it can make people question the truth of the plaintiff’s claims, weakening their case.

In situations where the plaintiff claims to be very hurt, video evidence can show what the plaintiff was able to do just before and after the incident. If the video shows the plaintiff doing things that their supposed injuries would not allow, this can help in defending against the claims.